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Pumpkin Cheesecake

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Here is the recipe I used for pumpkin cheesecake this year for our Thanksgiving dinner  and Christmas at our friends’ house.


I’ve used this recipe before but I did a few things differently as I watched a video on you tube a first for me for baking and got some tips from a bakery chef on how to avoid lumps an cracking. I still got some cracks but it was so creamy, no lumps and it’s the first time I did it with a spring form pan yes I was behind the times. Her key suggestions were a little flower to help it stick together for less cracking, putting the eggs in at different times not all at once and to constantly scrape the sides of the bowl. This was by far the best pumpkin cheesecake that I made mind you I’ve only made 3 in total LOL. However we usually don’t eat it all up as there is only 3 of us here, this one we brought back 1/2 of it from our friends as they only ate little pieces (they’re so healthy when it comes to eating even more than we are) and we managed to eat the rest, this never happens I usually freeze it or give it away.

The recipe didn’t call for this but one I did previously did and that was I sprinkled a mixture of crushed pecans/cinnamon and sugar on top it’s simply divine with the my fresh whip cream yum!

Here’s the recipe

Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Cheesecake

Originally posted to recipelink.com by Elly, Ohio:


1 1/2 cups graham crumbs

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5 Tbsp. butter, melted

1 Tbsp. sugar


3- 8oz.pkgs. cream cheese, softened

1 cup sugar

1 tsp. vanilla

1 cup canned pumpkin

3 eggs

1/2 tsp. cinnamon

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

1/4 tsp. allspice

Filling: 2 Lb. Cream Cheese, Softened 1 Cup Brown Sugar ½ Cup Granulated Sugar 2 Tbl. Flour 1 Tsp. Cinnamon 1 ½ Tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice ¼ Tsp. Nutmeg 5 Eggs 15 Oz. Can Pumpkin Puree 1/3 Cup Heavy Cream (Optional) 1 ½ Tsp. Vanilla Crust: 1 C Graham Cracker Crumbs Or Gingersnap Crumbs ¼ C Sugar ¼ C Butter, Melted

Whipped Cream

Mix crust ingredients together, just till coated and crumbly. Press onto the bottom and 2/3 up the sides of an 8″ springform pan. Bake for 5 min. at 350. Set aside.

Combine cheese, sugar and vanilla in large bowl, mix until smooth with an electric mixer. add pumpkin eggs, and spices, beat till smooth and creamy. Pour into the crust. Bake for 60-70 min. or till the top turns a bit darker. Remove from oven and allow to come to room temperature, then refrigerate. After it has thoroughly chilled, remove the pan sides and cut. Serve with whipped cream.

I am picky about how my baked goods come out, I’m the person who won’t serve it to others except my own family if I think it’s not as good as I could have made it. In fact with my 2nd time at baking pumpkin cheesecake my husband and good friends had to talk me into serving it and they swear that it was good but I didn’t think so. This one was very good in my opinion 🙂

Enjoy! I’d love to hear your favourite dessert recipes share some!

By on October 20th, 2012

About Powered by Mom

I’m Michelle aka Powered by Mom. I’m married with one daughter, my hubby was my high school sweetheart, our two dogs Nyx and Cleo and our cat Oliver. As you can see we’re a family of animal lovers. We love to travel when we can, try different food and activities all over the world and enjoy being together. My passions are writing, travelling, creating new recipes, encouraging people to adopt not shop and just to enjoy life while we can.

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125 thoughts on “Pumpkin Cheesecake”

  1. This sounds so good. I love cheesecake and I love pumpkin. I can’t wait to try this. Thank you so much for this great recipe

  2. Thanks so very much for sharing your delicious recipe on Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Cheesecake! I love to bake! I’d much rather bake than cook! However, that is one pan I do not own, a Spring Form Pan! I’m going to have to get me one of these pans! Whenever I make a cheesecake, I use a regular pie plate or a small clear baking dish. I kept this recipe, so that I can make it once I get the right kind of pan! Thanks so much for sharing this delicious recipe with all of us! I truly do appreciate it! Thanks so much! Michele 🙂

  3. Yummy and so simple. i will skip the graham crust to make sure it is gluten-free, but otherwise no changes needed.

  4. Sounds really good. Cheesecake recipes are always either hit or miss, so I’m going to keep this one in my back pocket for later and keep it in mind as a possibility for a future dessert night.

  5. I always love pumpkin cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory but have never made my own. I will try out your recipe because sometimes you want something like this but it’s not November so it’s not available at the Factory. Thanks for the info!

  6. Ohh sounds so yummy! Can’t wait to try it, I love every thing that smells anything like Pumpkin!

    Thanks for the awseome recipe!

  7. This sounds so delicious.
    Why do we only eat pumpkin during the fall. We should eat pumpkin all year round. Pumpkin is my favorite. Pumpkin cheesecake. Yumny

  8. This recipe sounds delicious!! I wish I could say we didn’t finish pies off here at our house (with 2 adults and a toddler), but we do!! We don’t have pie (especially pumpkin) unless its around Thanksgiving or Christmas, but it is mine and my hubby’s favorite! I will definitely have to try this soon! Thanks for posting!!

  9. Ahhh the memories of pumpkin cheesecake made by Mum. Can never quite replicate so awesome to find a recipe comprable to the ingredients she used. Can’t wait to try this – winter day here in Edmonton – comfort food. Thanks.

  10. I love pumpkin food so I may have to try this. I make pumpkin bars with homemade cream cheese icing for christmas every year 🙂

  11. pumpkin pie and cheese cake do not sound like they would be good together but they sure are. back in the day just putting cherries on your cheesecake was ‘special’. now you can make or get cheesecake in all sorts of flavors.

  12. Went out to eat last week & I had pumpkin cheese cake. I loved it & have wanted to find a recipe for it. I am going to make this one, Thanks for sharing

  13. Oh my gosh this looks and sounds so good! I LOVE pumpkin AND cheesecake….so I will be trying this recipe for sure. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Cheesecake is my favorite food EVER. I also love pumpkin pie. So, I bet this combo is fabulous! I might try it with nonfat cream cheese…to try to save a few calories…

  15. I have never heard of pumpkin cheesecake before. I love pumpkin pie… and I love cheesecake. I can almost taste the 2! I am going to attempt making this. It will also be my first cheesecake of any kind. Thanks for the share

  16. Great receipe. I have made several cheesecakes in the past two months. Seems everyone was all set to bring one from Cosco (and I admit the do a pretty good job for being mass produced) but everyone fell in love with the smell of the baking cheesecake. My daughter in law said she smelled all the smell out of the cake while it was cooling and hoped that it still had flavor. Then for almost every party we had cheesecake even made a gluten free one for our neighbor. I had a pumpkin version but for some reason I just didn’t make it but this one looked so good going to put it together this weekend and see how it goes. Great job.

  17. THIS LOOKS SO GOOD! I love pumpkin pie and I love cheescake so I think I’ll try this one next weekend for our dessert. Thanks for sharing the recipe <3

  18. I’ve been looking for the Cheesecake Factory Pumpkin Cheesecake recipe. Can’t believe it’s here! Even better, is the Pumpkin Pecan cheesecake. Anyone care to post that recipe?

  19. I absolutely love cheesecake and pumpkin cheesecakes are one of my favorites! Thanks for the recipe! (Now I’m craving for pumpkin cheesecake!)

  20. Oh wow, hubby would love me forever if I made this for him! LOL. He should anyways, but maybe even a little bit more. 😛 I am going to have to try it, he loves pumpkin and cheesecake, it’s a win-win for him!

  21. OMG Just to look at this makes my mouth water I love pumpkin and cheese cake so to make them come together is heaven to me. its 9pm and I am thinking about running to the story to get what I need just to make this tonight oh yaa!

  22. This looks soooo good. I’ve sometimes dived into something I’ve made before I had a chance to take a good photo. That is typically when I need to wait for better lighting…..

  23. This sounds absolutely delicious and will be served at my house this holiday season. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. It’s going to be a huge hit for sure.

  24. I’m an avid cheesecake lover! i’ve never made it nor ever used a spring pan. The thought of pumpkin cheesecake may cause me to make my first attempt. I hope it comes out like the picture!

  25. I have never wanted to jump into my computer screen more than when i look at that pumpkin cheesecake, i’ve never made cheesecake…well, the boxed jello kind but I don’t think that counts. 🙂 I don’t know how successful I would be at something like this. I’m sure it would taste good but probably wouldn’t look so good!

  26. Ok this sounds easy enough– I’ll bring this up today and see what everyone things about this instead of a pumpkin pie this year– because I sure could eat some right now– It sounds really good–Thanks for another great recipe

  27. Pumpkin cheesecake is by far my most fav cheesecake ANY time of the year, the one u posted, a keeper! Gonna try this one, ty!

  28. Hi Michelle. I can see why you forgot to take photos before eating. Looks great! I don’t think that just because Thanksgiving is now behind us we can’t make some more of this now. Thanks for sharing. Best regards, Farmer Doug @ Ladybug’s Mew in Yellow Point, B.C. Canada

  29. Looks so amazing! I like the idea of putting crushed pecans/cinnamon and sugar on top of it. I never thought of that. Oh I can almost taste it!


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