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Possibilities are Endless with Dune Jewelry – Review

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Dune Jewelry Review – Jewelry with sand from around the world

Triple Sandglobe Bracelet

Ever travel somewhere and wish you had brought back a real part of it? I am a Coast girl, originally from the east coast of Florida, and now I live on the coast of North Carolina. Needless to say, the waves, sand and sun are never far from my thoughts. Dune Jewelry and their amazing line of unique jewelry is a perfect accompaniment to my jewelry box.

There are many places in this world that I’d like to travel and visit. I’d love to see the pink sands of the Caribbean. I love the color pink, and any beach that can combine that beautiful color with wind, waves, and the sun puts it on my bucket list.

Dune Jewelry

Dune Jewelry sent me their very lovely Triple Sandglobe Bracelet with my choices of sand. There are thousands of places to choose from in their bank of sands. However, there is the option of sending in sand from your favorite place and they will incorporate it into your personalized work of art.

Dune Jewelry keeps thousands of sands in stock from all seven continents. Each piece is handcrafted and personalized for the person placing the order. For the sand in my bracelet, I selected the pink beauty of the Caribbean, Tucker’s Town Beach in St. George, Bermuda, to be exact. I thought the sand was alluring and too hard to resist. Of course, I’ve never been there, but I like it all the same.

Dune Jewelry

Symmetrical pieces have always appealed to me, so I asked that the Bermuda Sands be in the first and third bezels and the middle, another beach I’d love to visit. This one right her in the United States.

The black sands of Warwick Neck Beach in Massachusetts. I’ve always been awe of northern beaches. Being born and raised in the deep, deep south, going to the coast was a place to bask in the sun, but I always loved the thought of walking the shores with cold wind in my face and my barefoot in the surf. So, one day, I’ll visit these beautiful beaches. Until then, I have my lovely bracelet to remind me of my dreams.

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Dune Jewelry

The beauty of this jewelry line is that you don’t have to use beach sand. Is there a favorite ballpark or hiking trail that you carry in your heart? Dune Jewelry is the perfect gift for those who like travel or have special memories of a place.

For more information on Dune Jewelry, visit them online and explore all the possibilities.

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By on July 27th, 2016

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Married mom of teen-aged year old girl. . Master of Arts in Leadership. Love writing, blogging, reading & hiking. Social media maven who has successfully promoted several brands through both small and large events, twitter parties and so much more. Connect with us to see how we can bring the power of social media to your brand!

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1 thought on “Possibilities are Endless with Dune Jewelry – Review”

  1. This jewelry is beautiful. What a great idea they came up with. I will have to check out their site soon. Thank you so much for sharing


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