Powered by Mom shares a Go Gargle! & $20 CVS Gift Card Guest Giveaway ends 2/02 US only
I love CVS, they have so much of what you need, and easier than going to a big box store!
If you or anyone in your household has become victim to the terrible cold and flu season this year, GoGargle! can help with that sore, irritable throat.
GoGargle! is available at major retailers like CVS & Meijer, along with other stores. Right now is the perfect time and season to stock up on GoGargle! and you can even score a $1/1 savings with the available coupon.
***The Giveaway***
1 Winner will receive a package of GoGargle! & a $20 CVS Gift Card to stock up!
Giveaway is open to US Residents, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).
The giveaway ends on 02/02/15.
Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for your chance to win. Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries
Good Luck.
Drink warm tea with honey
I gargle warm salt water.
I gargle with salt water.
For sore throat lemon stuffed with ling hi mui seed, awesome stuff 😀
It’s always been tea with Honey and lemon for us.
I drink tea with honey
Honey/Lemon in tea & gargling salt water!!
We usually drink ginger tea
Vapor rub is used for just about everything in our home.
no we don’t have one
My husband swears by gargling salt water for a sore throat.
Only home remedy we have tried is gargling salt water.
Honey and lemon
For a sore throat I usually drink hot milk with honey in it. Tends to help the hurt.
apple cider vinegar braggs with motherhood undistilled.
salt water gargle. If soars outside on skin, aloe vera
When I’m under the weather homemade chicken soup is a staple and chamolile tea.
Tea with honey
I drink lots of tea.
We use herbal tea and honey for sore throats.
Hot salt water, gargle into your throat, and then spit it out. Repeat as necessary. 🙂
Warm Salt Water Gargle
i usually just buy meds. Easier that way!
I have tried taking a spoonful of honey and gargling salt water. Of course warm soup and hot tea always help too!
I just drink tea and hot chicken noodle soup.
I always do warm lemon and honey water.
I just sip a hot tea.
I try to take EmergenC when I feel a sore throat/cold coming on.
Tea with lemon in it!
My only “home” remedy, is to drink hot tea with honey and lemon, and to gargle with warm salt water three to four times a day. If my sore throat is really bad or I am coughing a lot, a small shot of Brandy works really well for me, and since I don’t drink, I think it helps a lot with my body.
Yes warm lemon water for every thing.
Honey and rest
Thanks for the chance
Gargle with salt water and drink tea with honey
For sore throats I will gargle with salt water.
Cold sores I have not found anything that will help. 🙁
Vitamin C & hot tea.
Our home remedy is vapo rub and the vaporizer with vapo rub in it!!
drink lots of tea
Tea and honey works a treat
Hot soup, lemon honey tea, rest and don’t talk or scream!
We do tea with honey!
Just hot tea, like Granny told us.
Lots of vitamin c and echinacea tea.
As soon as the sore throat starts I start drinking hot tea with honey. Makes it feel a bit better, at least for a short time.
I just try to get lots of sleep and drink plenty of fluids.
We drink tea with raw honey.
we gargle with salt water.
We use chicken noodle soup
The old fashioned salt water gargle.
Sucrets are what we use
Warm Salt water gargle for sore throat
We always drink hot tea with lemon and honey. I also rub vicks on our feet, to help with the cough.
For a sore throat it’s warm water & salt. For a cough it warm honey, lemon and whiskey.
We gargle with salt water.
Salt water, also honey with maybe a little whiskey
we also try salt water
Warm water with some honey
We use chicken noodle soup to help.
I’ve tried everything since I was sick this past week, and the only thing that worked was gargling salt water 🙁
I usually use tea with honey or a salt water gargle.
Yes a hot tot tie. It’s lemon, honey, and apple cider vinegar mixed in hot water.
When anyone in our family gets a sore throat, we drink warm tea with honey & lemon in it.
We drink hot tea with honey and lemon in it.
We have made honey mixed with fresh lemon to coat our throats when they were sore.
If I feel a sore throat coming on, I drink chamomile tea several times that day.
We drink tea with vitamin C and zinc.
We gargle with salt water when we have sore throats.
Hot tea with lemon & honey or gargle apple cider vinegar
We usually try using a baking soda/salt combo before using anything commercial for sore throats.
hot toddie
No, we don’t have any home remedies but I’ve heard gargling salt works well!
I oil pull every morning and have never had an issue with anything like this…. my husband, on the other hand, does
I hate the taste of salt water for gargling. I usually just drink tea with honey and load up on ibuprofen and suffer through it.
Warm tea with honey and lemon
tea and honey was my mothers’ remedy of choice. I continue with lemon and honey oth in tea and in my readysupply of cough drops.
We drink green tea with honey and lemon.
I gargle with warm salt water. It works, but it tastes horrible!
we always used warm salt water to gargle with
We gargle with salt water and drink honey tea!
The old stand by remedies warm water and salt, and honey and lemon
I like tea and honey. It always makes me feel better.
My mom always made me gargle with hot salty water. I hated it but it scientifically works against bacteria.
Zinc lozenges
gargle warm salt water
Hot tea with lemon.
We usually use warm salt water and gargle it or swish – depending on what is wrong (sore throat or cold sore inside the mouth).
Hot tea with lemon.
hot tea with lemon and honey
My Granny always gave me tea with lemon and honey. Not sure if it really worked but it tasted great.
I must try this and see if it works.
We use zinc lozenges at the first sign of cold or sore throat.
I didn’t have any remedies before reading these comments, so thanks everyone 🙂
I drink hot tea with honey or gargle with warm salt water.
Warm salt water does seem to help 🙂
We usually gargle with salt water and eat hot chicken soup.
We gargle with salt water for a sore throat.
We gargle with lightly salted water -it helps! Not much we do for a cold except cold pills and lots of fluids. And Zinc pills.
I increase my vitamin c intake.
I have always used salt water to gargle with.
My mom has always told me to gargle with warm salty water, I think it might help a little, but I have never really found a good remedy for a sore throat. I would be interested in trying this.
My only home remedy is to drink hot tea with honey to help with a sore throat.
we gargle with salt water.
my grandmother insisted we gargle with warm vinegar and salt water it works and now use on my grandchildren!
Not really but when i was home with a cold last week my friend told me to put a bunch of Vicks on my feet before i go to bed on and put socks on and i did wake up feeling better so i’ll be doing that when any of us get sick.
I like to gargle with salt water and take zinc when I have a sore throat
With our kids we have found that one of the cheapest and most effective solutions with them is to simply give them a peppermint to suck on when they have a sore throat. The peppermint tends to also open up their nasal passages if they happen to be stuffed up 🙂
lemon honey and whiskey