Brought to you by one of our favorite bloggers Kat’s Cafe
Teleclass Series with Autism Advocate about Family Dynamics
To Benefit The Temple Grandin, Eustacia Cutler Autism Fund
Eustacia Cutler Teleclass Series
Enter for your chance to win tickets or you can support Autism awareness by buying tickets too!
Wellness Talk Radio announced their Family Dynamics Teleclass Series begins April 12, and continues with classes on May 3, May 10, and May 17, with Eustacia Cutler and Wellness Talk Radio Host Kris Costello. Interested applicants need to register and pay $20 for each teleclass they want to attend, with the fees benefiting The Temple Grandin Eustacia Cutler Autism Fund.
Eustacia Cutler is a well-known Autism Advocate and also the mother of Autism Advocate Dr. Temple Grandin, and she will be speaking about Family Dynamics with Autism. The first class is on April 12 and will introduce the series, continuing with a May 3 teleclass about “Keeping and Strengthening Your Sense of Self.”
The Teleclass announcement calls Eustacia Cutler “a Visionary when it comes to looking at the Family as one of the most important component’s in the “Autism Equation.””
Autism and the Family Dynamic, about the Teleclass Series
Eustacia’s story was told in the Emmy Award-winning move Temple Grandin, and she will be exploring the importance of the family in that “Autism Equation.” She will also share her unique experiences of raising Temple during an era when Autism was not a household name.
The conversation will continue in discussing how the family identity is at risk after a diagnosis of Autism, and Cutler will talk about the steps you can take to “strengthen your own family.”
The Teleclass Series Announcement says the Series will also Discuss:
How to keep focused on and nurture your own “sense of self “
Supporting and nurturing siblings in the family with Autism
Tips on how to get out and stay out of overwhelm
How Eustacia recognized and supported Temple’s developing interests and encouraged her “gifts” and why this is so important
And we will also take time during each seminar to address many of your questions and concerns
How YOU can Attend!
The first class is April 12 at 6 p.m. and will discuss Family Dynamics overall, and you can purchase a ticket for $20 (or purchase a ticket for all 4 teleclass sessions for $80) by visiting the Teleclass Series with Eustacia Cutler purchase page or go HERE to Kat’s Cafe and click on the button on her post before the RC to buy tickets.
BUT, you can also take a chance and enter the FLASH Giveaway I will be hosting for 10 tickets for 10 lucky attendees to go to the class of their choice from the series! Wellness Talk Radio Host Kris Costello has generously offered up the tickets for giveaway and I sure hope you guys are as excited about attending as I am!
[Flash Giveaway to Start April 11 at 12:01 a.m. and run until April 11 at 12:01 a.m. – ONLY 24 hours to enter and win in time for the first class!]
Read more: Family Dynamics, Autism Benefit & Teleclass Series with Eustacia Cutler | Kat’s Cafe – Kat’s Cafe
I’m not really interested in winning this, but rather just put my approval out there in the community. My son has Asperger’s Syndrome which falls into the Autistic spectrum. This is a good way to let others know what parents have to go through.
Good luck to whoever wins the chance to go to one of these sessions!
Thank you Scott appreciate that!