Let’s Help Doodles Find a Home! Pet Adoption Adoption of the Day #AdoptDon’tShop
9 year old Doodles’ shelter is located less than 45 minutes north of the NYC; she’s in a well human-populated area. So when her story was submitted to SSD, we were quite surprised to learn she’s been having trouble getting adopted in a busy area. In this photo, Doodles is hanging out in the shelter’s office. But she is used to living in a home and shelter life is not quite her thing. PLEASE SHARE!
Meet Doodles
If you’re not going to have a pet be indoors with you the majority of the time, give it lots of love, prepared to pay vet bills in an emergency and make a life time commitment then a pet is not for you. This is something we are passionate about and really want to get the message across to adopt not shop and that it’s a lifetime commitment of love!
Information from Doodle’s Adoption Post
Doodles is unfazed by cats and she prefers calm dogs who match her moderate energy level.
The SPCA of Westchester wrote, “This gorgeous 9 year old Collie/Shepherd mix will just melt your heart with those big soulful brown eyes! Doodles was an owner surrender as her former owners sadly didn’t have the financial means to care for a dog any longer. Doodles weighs about 50 pounds.
Shelter life has not been easy on her-who could blame her, she is used to living in a warm, loving home. Doodles attaches to her people very quickly and is a very loyal companion. She has moderate energy level and settles nicely. She does well with calm dogs like herself and seems unfazed by cats.
Doodles came in with very bad ear infections due to ruptured ear drums which are getting better but it does affect her hearing, although she is definitely not deaf. This sweet senior has a heart of gold and should spend her golden years with a family who will give her lots of TLC. Depending on the circumstance, Doodles may be eligible for permanent foster, which means we will handle her medical needs so long it is done at our on-site Clinic.”
GO HERE to share his story and hopefully help him find a home or better yet please contact the HERE for more information on adopting Doodle’s.
Doodles is just adorable. I love that face. I hope Doodles find a special home soon. Thank you so much for sharing